Learn from your storm

โ€‹God allow things to happen sometimes to get your attention. When I was diagnosed with kidney failure I was 15 I knew God but I wasn’t into the word like I should have been. It was time for me to start leaning and depending on God for myself even though I been in church all my life it was up to me to start having a real  relationship God. Me having kidney failure is what taught me God can do the impossible,me having kidney failure is what taught me God is a way maker,them long nights when body is recking in pain is what taught me to call on the name of Jesus,many days I spent in the hospital by myself taught me God is a comforter,Days when I couldn’t afford my medicine because my insurance didn’t cover it taught me God is a provider. There a lesson in every storm that we go through it up to us if we learn from it. God also showed me that people not going to be there for you when times are hard the worse time to leave someone is when they down and out. God gets the glory no matter what happen in my life it only a test I was built for this. 

5 thoughts on “Learn from your storm”

  1. Completely agree. God is most Merciful, He will never leave you alone. He is the only teacher who helps us during our tests. And salute to you the way you handled it. ๐Ÿ˜Š


      1. Always be positive. Nothing is impossible for God. Miracles happen when you believe. You will get well completely one day. Just believe. Never loose faith ๐Ÿ˜Š


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